
infinite humming
countless stars and galaxies
creator's love song

Sung into being...the cosmic shout of the creator
Forth, and back...

Out...and in...A dust spec compared to everything...and nothing.
Singing the organic universe...the life opera...
And me....just trying to remember my lines.


Raven said...

"Creator's love song..." What a lovely concept. Beautiful.

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent! Nebulae are so fascinating and your words are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What a view! And, you poem fits it well.

Anonymous said...

These are beauiful words and flow like a melody. Love the 'Creator's love song'.

Anonymous said...

I love that you chose to invoke the symphony of the universe. I read about a composer who has worked with the hum from the universe and written a symphony. This is fascinating.

SandyCarlson said...

The love song of the creator is a delightful, magical, happy image. Thanks.
Writing in Faith: Poems

Barb said...

'creator's love song' is just beautiful! as well as 'Singing the organic universe'... I am also just trying to remember my lines! Wonderful!

RIC said...

Thank you all so much for the kind and encouraging expressions. You are a great group of folks!

This is an actual huble image and there are many incredible shots of the further reaches....it's just humbling to look through these. just google huble images for choices.

Anonymous said...

..thank u for 'the symphony of the universe'..

Roswila said...

"And me....just trying to remember my lines." Oh, yes, :-D, for sure!

Anonymous said...

infinite humming... every night, every day... there it is a melodic humming of the universe... so poetically placed as the creators love song... thank you..

Cassiopeia Rises said...

This is quite lovely in it's lazy free form. A beautiful Nebulea, like the slowly opening center and essence of the nature of one single flower. Excellent.


DeLi said...

so beautiful

Edward S Gault said...

It does fill one with humility to consider our role in the universe!
Excellent Poem.
Thank You.

indicaspecies said...

Beautiful melody of the creator's love song.

RIC said...

...glad you enjoyed the largeness...smallness of this poem...thanks for the feedback all!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I just love this haiku. The nebula looks great with it too.